St Patrick's Barracks Shared Housing Project
“Living with difference is an imagined future we’re still working out how to make real. We believe that artists play a vital role in creating the conditions where realising this imagined future becomes possible.“
Radius Housing asked us to join a multi-disciplinary team exploring innovative approaches to public engagement around a new social housing development at St Patrick’s Barracks in Ballymena.
We immediately recognised the challenges the site and plans for its future presented.
This is a place heavy with the weight of history and future aspirations.
Living with difference is an imagined future we’re still working out how to make real. We believe that artists play a vital role in creating the conditions where realising this imagined future becomes possible.
First, we spent some time getting to know the past and present of St Patrick’s Barracks by talking to people who used to live and work there. Then we presented a range of creative ideas that will forge a distinctive identity for its future, founded on a culture of welcome and care.
We have begun to implement some of those ideas as the construction of new houses gets underway. We look forward to our relationship with Radius and other partners continuing to grow over the next five years.